Flic Taylor

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My Year On The Road To Burnout Recovery

Welcome to Season Two of Everyday Burnout Conversations!

What better way to start us off than by sharing what I've learnt from my year on the road to burnout recovery. I'm well aware that there's still more of the road I need to travel, but in the meantime, this past year has taught me to not only identify my values and goals in life but also give them a bloody good shake up before I even think about applying a fresh lick of paint. 

What's my biggest lesson from this path towards burnout recovery? You can't just self-care your way out of burnout - it's going to take unpacking and addressing some other factors first. 

In this episode I share my thoughts on why our relationship with work could do with a new angle, what Tony Soprano and I share in common, and why you'll always find diamonds amongst the burnout rubble. 

There are a few swears in this conversation, so please grab your headphones if little ears are around. 

This episode mentions: 

Fancy a little more burnout chat? 

Find me on Instagram and Facebook  @flictaylorwrites

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Check out my blog at www.flictaylor.com

Please note, this podcast is not intended as medical advice. If you are having a tough time or concerned you may be experiencing burnout, remember YOU matter so please reach out to your doctor or mental health professional for support and guidance.

Please like, comment and subscribe to the podcast wherever you listen. I truly appreciate your support, as it helps these fab conversations reach that little bit further. 

Music and sound editing for this podcast is by Chris Taylor. 

Listen to this episode here.