Welcome to your burnout breathing space
So many of us are currently feeling depleted ...and exhausted ...and spend most of our day muttering FFS under our breath!
I've discovered that most of the people who burn out are the helpers, the givers, and the grafters of the world. They are the smart, driven, caring, compassionate, hard-working, and generous folks who prioritise others' needs above their own.
Everyone I speak to at the moment is struggling.
They're ploughing through daily life from a place of stress, overwhelm, and anxiety. Simply put, they're either sat in or dancing around a puddle of burnout.
Do I get it? Do I
Two years ago, I was lying face down on my bed, covered in a duvet of chocolate button wrappers. I was beyond exhaustion. I was knee-deep in burnout to the point of multiple physical and mental health concerns, including heart attack symptoms. My doctor ordered me to stop. So I did. I quit my job as a full-time mental health writer (I know, the irony, sigh) and began to slowly walk the path back to my health and wellbeing.
Time for some real talk on burnout
Which to-do list are you holding?
If you're not careful, recovering from exhaustion and burnout can feel like you've just swapped your demanding life To-Do list for a To-Do list of pursuits in the name of self-care and recovery. You can feel like you're treading that familiar exhausting territory - even if it's meant to be of benefit to you.
I know this. Because I did this!
Old keys won’t open new doors
After several attempts to amp up the self-care and tackle (ahem…or rather, overachieve) my burnout recovery, I now understand that true burnout recovery and prevention lies within some much deeper work and strategies.
I've spent the past two years researching, writing and podcasting about burnout. That's why I'm now on a mission to help others, as I can't bear to think of others experiencing this alone like I did.
I know first-hand how hard it is to navigate, but I have a robust and powerful toolkit that gets to the heart of burnout recovery.
Time to undo
My bookshelves are chocca full of self-care and guidance books. I do bloody love a good read to tuck into! And absolutely, these books have a great place in healing and self-development. But what you really need after getting some much-needed healing rest is to focus on undoing and unlearning the habitual patterns and behaviours that led you to overwhelm, anxiety, exhaustion and burnout in the first place. It's time to stop overdoing. Instead, let's undo!
Stop carrying guilt and shame
Let's ditch the beliefs that we're only good partners, parents, employees, bosses, and friends if we over-give, over-work and spend no time on ourselves. Let's begin to dismantle the idea that we are only 'good enough' when we are selfless and let's tune into our inner self needs more. Let's prioritise ourselves without fear, guilt or shame because that stuff will only make us more weary. Fuck that!
Put down that concrete-lined rucksack
No one is able to hit the remote pause button on their life completely. When struggling with burnout it's hard to find the time or energy to dig through all the neuroscience, cognitive behaviour therapy exercises, nutrition and sleep hygiene guidelines, and the holistic best practices to help you better manage or prevent burnout.
But that's okay, I've done all that. And now I'm ready to share the tool kit I've built and use daily.
You need simple. You need achievable. You need a breathing space. You need support.
It's time to start looking at what you truly need to start feeling better and brighter once again.
Imagine having someone walk alongside you on this path. Someone on the sidelines who can give you the heads-up if they see you're veering into the wrong lane again - the lane that fuels your perfectionism, people pleasing, imposter syndrome, high-functioning anxiety, and exhaustion tendencies - all the damn ingredients that go in the stew pot of fucking burnout.
Because when we know better, we can do better… for ourselves!
My hope is that I will help you understand and manage your burnout better. We'll look at some of the deep-rooted and subconscious behavioural patterns that many burnt out people are familiar with and relate to. We'll look at what can help you recover in the present as well as begin to identify the potholes in both the past and future that get in the way of your wellness.
And you can always expect our 1:1 sessions to be sprinkled with plenty of humour, warmth and cheerleading! Because, well, life is just too bloody short for anything less.
Fancy having me and my burnout guidance tucked into your back pocket?
I promise none of this will feel overwhelming to do. The last thing you need is self-care to be another bloody thing on your to-do list.
Instead, this will be your chance to take a breather.
Want to chat more?
I'm always here for any of your questions and am happy to jump on a Zoom discovery call so we can dive into the heart of what you need.
You can reach me at flic@flictaylor.com or hit the button below.
Chat soon,
Flic x
Lovely words about my work
"Rather than fearing the future I see hope. I wanted to say a HUGE thank you.
I really appreciate you and your work.
I wanted to acknowledge the impact you have had on me.
Which by extension will have a rippling effect on my family."
One to One Burnout Coaching and support

Tackling End-Of-Year Stress And Overwhelm.
It’s beginning to feel a lot like … f*ck this!
So many of us get our tinsel in a tangle this time of year.
Learn how to calm your nervous system and better manage your overwhelm and stress, so you can have a merrier Christmas without reaching the festive burnout.
This four week course runs throughout December 2022.
You will receive a downloadable PDF workbook with your powerful toolkit
Access to the group coaching call scheduled for Monday 2nd December.
Weekly emails are delivered to your inbox on Monday mornings to help you start your week off right. Each week you’ll receive some helpful reminders and tasks to help you manage the festive storm along with a video pep talk from me that you can watch or slip into your pocket and listen to on the go.
To find out more and learn how to sign up, head over to my courses platform