A Conversation with Anniki Sommerville
In this episode, I share a conversation with Anniki Sommerville.
Anniki is a broadcaster, writer, journalist, author, podcaster, and coach who specialises in telling positive and authentic narratives about women in their forties and beyond.
Anniki is the author of Motherwhelmed, How To Be A Boss At Ageing and latest novel, Hang On.
She is a co-founder of The Hotbed Collective with its successful podcast and book More Orgasms Please. Anniki also hosts her own podcast: How to Be A Boss at Ageing.
In this episode, Anniki and Flic chat about navigating midlife daily stress and anxiety, along with the perils of phone addiction and how to find your key to happiness.
When conducting research for How To Be A Boss At Ageing, Anniki carried out her own survey with 370 women between the ages of 30-50 years. She discovered:
Over 50% felt they were more overwhelmed the older they got.
72% felt they mainly responsible for the household admin/organisation
Listen to the podcast episode here or watch the video conversation below.
Follow Anniki and her hilarious Instagram stories @annikisommerville
Find out more about Anniki’s books and podcast
Check out The Hotbed podcast and book
Sorry, you can’t borrow my copy… it’s full to the brim with neon highlighter and had fifty flags sticking out of it. Yup, it’s that good!
Please note, this podcast is not intended as medical advice. If you're having a tough time or concerned you're experiencing burnout, please reach out to your doctor or mental health professional for support and guidance.
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