Tackling life, mad as a bag of badgers.
Rebuilding and reclaiming my life after burnout.
Gathering mental health wisdom from my bag of badgers.
What the heck is a bag of badgers?
Call it life or just plain comedy gold, I’m the mental health writer who lost her own mental health for a while.
Yup, true story. Thanks to extreme burnout I felt like the British saying…mad as a bag of badgers.
Think about it. A bag fit to burst with badgers. Absolutely bonkers.
You see, one minute my badgers were sound asleep and life was going tickety-boo. The next minute everything had gone tits up and the badgers were wide awake—cue chaos, carnage, and some crazy life hurdles to jump over.
Follow me as I write about mental health, rebuilding myself after burnout, and the lessons that hide at the bottom of the bag of badgers.
#OOTD: Tight Jeans, Tight Chest
A humorous and honest account where I share two of my tell-tale burnout signs. How an anxiety-ridden chest and jeans that were crying at the seams made me stop and listen to their message.
Meditation Matters. Bird Shit…Not So Much
Meditation isn't about eliminating stress; it's about managing it. So I examine why taking a moment in your day to meditate or sit calmly and focus on one thing is time well spent. Oh, and here's a fun fact for fellow fans of outside meditation: It's less likely a bird'll crap on you than winning the lottery!
Playing The Greatest Hits Of My Fuck Ups
Ruminating thoughts are linked with burnout, anxiety and depression. I look at my thought patterns and the helpful strategies I can use to change them, to support my burnout recovery.
Reclaim Your Damn Gold
A closer look at the behaviour patterns and habits that women adopt that can lead them down the path to everyday burnout. I examine the true story of the Golden Buddha and look at why it’s vital we all reclaim our own gold.
Rock Bottom Without A Bra
As I find myself on rock bottom of mental health, I share my burnout symptoms and the 8 matches I used to ignite my burnout bonfire, while also examining the everyday burnout women face.