Flic Taylor

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A Conversation with Debbie Edwards

From Burnout Breakdown To Self-Love Breakthrough

In this episode, I share an everyday burnout conversation with Debbie Edwards.

Debbie is an entrepreneur, speaker, investor and coach who founded the tech platform FDisruptors, with a mission to inspire girls and women to embrace tech's vibrant world.

With over 30 years of experience working in challenging sectors, including the military, Debbie now focuses on the concept of deep self-love in her transformational and leadership coaching.  

With an appreciation for women having strong passions, desires, and ambitions, Debbie recognised that many women had been raised within a narrative telling them to put others before themselves, impacting their lives and opportunities.

Following her own burnout experience when she didn't prioritise her needs and self, she now encourages women to take agency in their own lives and set the boundaries to support what they really want to achieve.

Honouring her gift for energy healing, Debbie works intuitively with women, gently guiding and supporting them as they work through powerful transitions in their life. She helps her clients reframe their lives, enabling them to change the lens through which they see themselves and has particular expertise in perimenopause and menopause. 

And, hot off the press: I’m beyond excited for her new global transformation program, Eve Bite The Apple, coming in January 2022.

In this episode, Debbie talks about:

  • Her own experiences of a burnout breakdown to a self-love breakthrough

  • How grief was the gateway to self-compassion and falling in love with herself

  • Why burnout needs a rebrand

  • The importance of women having agency in their life and setting boundaries

  • Using your body as your internal baramoter

  • How to be the gentle observer in your day and do tasks with ceremony

  • How can I love myself more deeply right now? The powerful question women should be asking themselves

Listen to the episode here or wherever you tune into your favourite podcasts.

Mentioned in this episode:

Debbie is a consultant for MPowder supporting women through clinical trials. Check out MPowder here.

Check out The WomenHood Unspoken Session: Creating Powerful Boundaries with Debbie Edwards here

Final note:

After you've finished listening to this incredibly powerful pod chat, take a moment to consider what Debbie encouraged us all to ask ourselves daily: how can I love myself more deeply today? 

Give it a try. 

And then tell five cherished women in your life to do the same. Let's start a positive ripple effect of radical self love.

Follow Debbie @thegentleleader

Follow her exciting new transformation program launching in January 2022 @eve_bitetheapple

Fancy a little more burnout chat? 

Find me on Instagram and Facebook  @flictaylorwrites

Find me on Twitter @flictaylor

Please note, this podcast is not intended as medical advice. If you're having a tough time or concerned that you're experiencing burnout, please reach out to your doctor or mental health professional for support and guidance. 

Please like, comment and subscribe to the podcast wherever you listen. I truly appreciate your feedback and support, as it helps these fab conversations reach a little further.